Managing Permissions#
Permissions in Arches are handled on a few different levels.
Managing Users and Groups in Django Admin
Determine who can access what parts of Arches using the built-in Django admin interface.
Determine which Users and Groups can read/edit/delete specific portions of a Resources Model.
Grant access to specific Resource instances on a per-User and/or per-Groups basis.
Restrict access to site media.
Restrict access to map layers.
Managing Users and Groups in Django Admin#
Arches is a complex platform, and some users must be able to access specific areas of the application while being restricted from others. This level of access is handled by adding Users to certain Groups through the Django admin interface.
You can access the Django admin at localhost:8000/admin
, the default admin credentials are admin/admin
which must be changed in production. Any user with “staff” status can access the Django admin panel.
Once logged into the admin panel, you’ll see this at the top of the page:
Click Users to see a list of all your Arches users. Selecting a user will yield a generic profile page like this:
In the “Permissions” section here there are three fields.
- Active:
This account is active and the user can log in. Unchecking this box allows you to retain a user account while disallowing them from accessing Arches.
- Staff status:
This user can access (and make changes within) the Django admin panel.
- Superuser status:
This user has full access to the entire Arches platform, and is considered a member of every Group.
Next, you’ll see where you can assign the user to different Groups. Arches comes with many default different groups, and each one gives its members access to different parts of the application. A user can be a member of as many different groups as needed.
- Graph Editor:
- Use Case:
For creating and testing branches and models.
- Access Privileges:
Create/design graphs, branches, functions, and RDM. Add/edit business data with Resource Editor privileges. Unable to access system settings or mobile projects.
- Resource Editor:
- Use Case:
Ability to add/edit/delete provisional data more liberally than a Crowdsource Editor user.
- Access Privileges:
Add/edit/delete resources.
- RDM Administrator:
- Use Case:
Add/edit/manage RDM concepts
- Access Privileges:
Full access to the RDM - no access to the rest of Arches.
- Application Administrator:
- Use Case:
Control over Django admin page… can add/edit/delete users and user groups within Django admin console
- Access Privileges:
Has Django superuser status (see above) which gives it full access to Arches.
- System Administrator:
- Use Case:
Changing data stored in the system settings graph.
- Access Privileges:
Ability to access/edit data in Arches System Settings.
- Crowdsource Editor:
- Use Case:
Creation of provisional data from an untrusted source. Default group user is assigned to when first added to the system via e-mail sign-up.
- Access Privileges:
Add/edit/delete resources your own provisional data tiles
- Guest:
- Use Case:
Read-only access for anonymous users (non-authenticated users are automatically in this group)
- Access Privileges:
Read-only access to all business data
- Resource Reviewer:
- Use Case:
Review provisional data and promote it to authoritative
- Access Privileges:
Add/Edit authoritative business data. Ability to promote provisional data to authoritative.
- Resource Exporter:
- Use Case:
Control permissions to make exports of search result resource instances
- Access Privileges:
This group was added in Arches version 7.4.0. Membership in this group is now required to export resource instance data from search results. By default, the
user is a member of this group. If you want to disable export of resource instance data from searches for anonymous users, remove theanonymous
user from this group. Similarly, you can control resource instance export privileges for other users by adding or removing them from theResource Exporter
Feel free to make new groups as needed, but do not remove any of those listed above. Groups are also used in other aspects of permissions as described below.
Resource Model Permissions#
Permissions are applied to each card and by default, the guest user (aka anonymous user) has read privileges to all data. If you have data you do not want to share with all users, follow these directions when designing your database: Permissions Tab.
Resource Instance Permissions#
Media Permissions#
If you want to ensure that all media file (uploaded photographs, etc.) access requires authentication, you can set RESTRICT_MEDIA_ACCESS to True.
Be aware that in doing so, all media file requests will be served by Django rather than Apache. This will adversely impact performace when serving large files or during periods of high traffic.
add this line:
Map Layer Permissions#
As of Arches version 7.4.0, you can assign different permissions to specific Arches users and groups. To manage Map Layer Permissions, login to the Django Admin User Interface and click the link to “Map layers” under models, and then click on the specific Map Layer that you’d like to update for permissions.
To update permissions of a specific Map Layer, navigate to the OBJECT PERMISSIONS link in the upper right as illustrated below:
You will ALSO need to make sure the Ispublic
flag for the Map Layer is deactivated. That flag is located lower down, well below the the link to the OBJECT PERMISSIONS, see below:
Once you click the OBJECT PERMISSIONS link, you will see a form that will let you name users (by their username) and groups, by their group name. Once you add the name for the user or group, press the “Manage user” or “Manage group” button as appropriate. See the illustration below for an example:
After clicking the “Manage user” or “Manage group” button, you will reach another form where you can add or subtract specific permissions for this user (or group) and Map Layer. See the illustration below for an example:
Once you have updated the permissions, it’s a good idea to test the Arches interface to make sure the permissions for the Map Layer are properly applied.